
Setup/Gear/Manufacturer of Instruments:

I have a Yahama Alto Sax and an International Woodwind Curved Soprano Sax.

Why did you begin studying music?

I always loved the saxophone’s sound. In fifth grade when I was offered to take either band or choir, my mom wanted me to take choir because my brother did it. I begged and pleaded her to let me learn saxophone and take band, so eventually, she gave in.[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]

Saxophonist John Graham Parker

Located in Daphne, Alabama, USA

  • Alto and soprano saxophone
  • 5 years of playing
  • Doubles on flute

Teen Jazz Artist Badge

[What’s this?]


What are you doing with music now?

I am in my school’s marching, concert, secondary, and jazz band. I practice every day in class and at home.

Who are some of your influences?

My band director, Michelle Boyce, my section leader, Joseph Olmstead, and my best friend, Holly Woerner.

Who have you studied with?

I have taken band for five years now, and over these five years, I have had three directors. The first two were awful, and didn’t take the class seriously. Now, I have an amazing director, who has become an inspiration, and friend.

What would you like to do with music in the future?

I plan on following my director’s footsteps, and doing marching band in college and becoming a director myself.

Would you like to add anything else?

Music is my life!


Interested in having your profile featured on our site?

Teen Jazz is also looking for young Jazz Artist features, so you could become a feature if you apply. You will be notified by email of the status of your application.

Terms and Conditions:

(A) You cannot submit one sentence answers to the Teen Jazz Artist Application form questions, they must be a short paragraph.

(B) You must respond to the confirmation email that you receive from Shannon Kennedy after you submit your profile or your profile will not be published on Teen Jazz.

(C) Pictures and Contact Information on your page are optional, but let us at Teen Jazz know if you would like to have both or either on your profile.

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Published by Shannon Kennedy

Shannon Kennedy is a vocalist and saxophonist living in Southern California. She is author of "The Album Checklist" and the founder of Teen Jazz. She has been contributing articles to music magaizines and websites since 2004.