Kenkase is a family owned business that specializes in the production of handcrafted, custom wood reed cases and guitar pick cases. Scroll down to select your case.
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“I received the case last week and I am positively enamored with it! Not only is it breathtakingly beautiful but the craftsmanship and utility of it is already being proven. My reeds feel how I like them to feel and I know they will be preserved well by the case.” For more info on Kenkase. Kenkase is a family owned business that specializes in the production of handcrafted, custom wood reed cases and guitar pick cases. Scroll down to select your case.
“I received the case last week and I am positively enamored with it! Not only is it breathtakingly beautiful but the craftsmanship and utility of it is already being proven. My reeds feel how I like them to feel and I know they will be preserved well by the case.” For more info on Kenkase.
Standard Wood Sax Reed Case
Regular Price $51-58
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Standard Wood Clarinet/Oboe Case
Regular Price $51-58
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Exotic Wood Clarinet/Oboe Case
Regular Price $55-61
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Standard Wood Guitar Pick Case
Guitar Pick Cases – Standard Wood $25.50
Regular Price $34
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Exotic Wood Guitar Pick Case
Guitar Pick Cases – Exotic Woods $29.25
Regular Price $39
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