Saxophonist Phil Sobel | Teen Jazz Legend Interview

Name: Phil Sobel Profession: Saxophonist Years Playing: since the age of 6 Location: Los Angeles, CA THE INTERVIEW Phil Sobel was born 1917 in New York. Both parents were amateur musicians, helping to expose Sobel to music at an early age. His first instrument was ukulele, which he played out on the street where people …

Review of Kirk Whalum’s Performance at the Cerritos Center 2005

This is an archive article. On October 12, 2005, Kirk Whalum and Pieces of a Dream performed at the Cerritos Center in Cerritos, California. Split into two sets, the show was opened by Pieces of a Dream, and after a twenty-minute intermission, Kirk Whalum performed with his group. Overall, the performance of both ensembles was …

Complete Jazz Styles by Randy Hunter | Review

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE “COMPLETE JAZZ STYLES BOOK 2” “Complete Jazz Styles Book 2” has 12 different etudes in various styles – Latin, Swing, Funk, Ballad, Waltz, Rock, and Bop. “Nobody’s Fool” (ballad), “Streamline” (the rock tune), and “Same as Yesterday” (slow funk) are more advanced tunes for a more advanced player or tunes …


A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE BOOK “Saxophone – Everything Sax Players Should Know” offers advice on everything from equipment (reeds, mouthpieces, necks, ligatures, etc.) to technique (embouchure, breathing, vibrato), how to practice, and even describes the anatomy of the saxophone and its function. The book also provides saxophone basics such as scales, blues, basic improvisation, …

The Teen Jazz Guide to Keeping Your Facebook Fans

Promoting your music on Facebook is important and learning where to draw the line between what irritates fans and what interests them is always a challenge. It’s important to promote a constant and consistent message without overdoing it, so if you’re looking for that “perfect mix” here’s a list of things that you shouldn’t do. …

Review of Greg Fishman’s “Jazz Saxophone Etudes”

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THE “JAZZ SAXOPHONE ETUDES”: “Jazz Saxophone Etudes” by Greg Fishman is a book for students who know chords and scales, but lack jazz vocabulary. The main focus of the book is to demonstrate the introduction, development and evolution of musical ideas while clearly outlining the harmonic structure of a song using …

Measuring Improvement

Finding the motivation to practice and improve is sometimes hard, especially when you don’t see immediate results. When we first begin to sing or perform, it doesn’t take long to notice a difference. It’s exciting and encouraging to see how quickly we can learn to play new notes and new music, but as we get …

Is it Talent or is it Hard Work and Passion?

I recently read an article that discussed the idea of natural-born talent as a myth. I’m undecided as to whether or not I believe that natural talent is a myth, but I certainly agree that hard work can make up for where talent may lack. I even more firmly believe that working hard can and …

Performance Advice | No One Can Be a Better You

As an artist or performer it can be difficult to put yourself out there. There are so many talented artists and the Internet has millions of people who aren’t too shy when it comes to sharing their opinions on any material that ends up online. You can try to shield yourself by blocking comment features …

Rhythm – Who Can You Blame?

Rhythm… Some people have it and some people don’t, but why? Research suggests that your parents may be to blame, or thank, depending on which end of the spectrum you ended up. In an article published by the Associated Press, research revealing that babies develop rhythm when they are bounced. The same went for singing …