1. Don’t post the same link or update repeatedly. Try to mix up what you post with various updates. If you need to announce something more than once, make sure you have a few different posts in between.
2. Don’t follow or unfollow a lot of people in any one sitting. It comes across as spammy. Try to connect with people. Build your Twitter connections naturally. Additionally, consider using this alternative for Narrow.io for Twitter. Twesocial is a service used for growing Twitter accounts, bringing more potential fans over to your account. Musicians could benefit from that.
3. Please don’t overuse or abuse hashtags. You only need a couple per update (that means two). Any more than that make the post illegible.
4. Make sure that you’re actually posting and sharing quality content. Don’t post updates about what you’re eating or your cat. Make sure that what your posts are actually things your audience would be interested in reading.
5. Don’t connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts. Create unique posts that cater to each platform separately. I know it’s more convenient to sync the two, but it’s tacky and you should invest more time and thought into your audience.
7. Link to your Twitter account from your website and other social accounts. Make sure that your fans that use Twitter know you have an account. Use the same user handle. If you are new to social media, use a username generator to create unique names.
8. Don’t over promote yourself. I know that I mentioned this a bit in the last tip, but I’m going to reiterate it. Only promoting yourself is a bad thing. Share updates about things other than what you’re doing and your music.
9. If you made a typo in your update, take it down immediately and fix it.
10. Don’t forget to use it to promote (but once again, not just for that). If you write a blog post, release a single or have a show coming up, make sure you post about it. Buffer and Hootsuite are a great way to schedule tweets and space out updates that may be about the same thing.
11. Retweet tweets about your music or performances and then send a tweet to the person saying thanks.
12. Link to your Twitter account from your website and other social accounts. Make sure that your fans know you have a Twitter account. Use the same user handle. If you are new to social media, use a user generator to create unique names.
13. If possible, use proper grammar. It’s somewhat difficult when you’re limited to 140 characters, but do it if you can.
14. Make sure your website is in your Twitter bio.
15. Interact! Don’t just post updates about yourself and your music. Respond to tweets posted by others, thank people for retweeting you and talk about things that you find interesting (like maybe an article you read).
16. If you want something you post retweeted, make sure you let your followers know that’s your intent. They can’t read your mind.
17. Let your personality come across. It’s easier for your followers to connect with you that way.
18. Take part in Twitter chats.
19. Tap into your fans’ Twitter audiences by trade a song in exchange for a tweet. For the price of a tweet, fans get a free song.
20. Share photos.
Want to learn more about the music business? Check out our popular FREE eBook – Advice for Young Musicians: From Established Music Professionals.
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