Author: Keith Wyatt and Carl Schroeder
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: September 1, 2002
Price: $6.15 on Kindle and $7.19 Paperback
Edition: Paperback, 176 Pages

I bought my first copy of the Hal Leonard Pocket Music Theory: A Comprehensive and Convenient Source for All Musicians when I was in high school. I had signed up for my first music theory course and we were required to purchase a music dictionary of sorts. While searching for one, I came across both this book, the Hal Leonard Pocket Music Theory, and its counterpart, the Hal Leonard Pocket Music Dictionary.

The Pocket Music Theory, book is small (hence “pocket”) so it is not as in-depth as some other music theory books may be, but it is a very thorough resource, particularly for its size.

Pocket Music Theory contains many of the more basic and fundamental aspects of music theory while delving into some more specific subjects such as jazz theory.

This is a great resource to use as a reminder or refresher for the basics of music theory. It includes chords, scales, triads, inversions, key centers, transposition, rhythms, modulation, etc. and can help fill out your knowledge of music in a concise and clear manner. I carried this book around in my backpack throughout school to use as a reference for homework assignments, my own compositions and as a resource on its own.

If you’re looking for an introduction to or refresher on music theory, this is a really handy book to consider. The book is available in paperback version and it is 176 pages. You can also get it on Kindle. The reviewed edition was published in 2002.

Get the Hal Leonard Pocket Music Theory: A Comprehensive and Convenient Source for All Musicians on Amazon.

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Published by Shannon Kennedy

Shannon Kennedy is a vocalist and saxophonist living in Southern California. She is author of "The Album Checklist" and the founder of Teen Jazz. She has been contributing articles to music magaizines and websites since 2004.

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