Have you ever wondered how to get noticed or how to stand out in the music industry? If you have, you’re not alone. One of our Teen Jazz members recently asked what he could do to stand out amongst his peers as a performer, so we answered his question as part of our most recent podcast.

As part of the episode, we answer his question about getting noticed in three parts. It is featured alongside the music of guitarist Jim Stubblefield from Incendio, vocalist Tobi, and Teen Jazz Artist Sean Winter.

Just click play on the video above to find out how you can stand out from the crowd!

Don’t forget to check out Teen Jazz Radio or subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

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Published by Shannon Kennedy

Shannon Kennedy is a vocalist and saxophonist living in Southern California. She is author of "The Album Checklist" and the founder of Teen Jazz. She has been contributing articles to music magaizines and websites since 2004.